Relax feet in a bath with liner protection, nail and cuticle maintenance, de-rough feet, collagen mint gel
massage, hot towel then apply toxic-free nail polish.
Relax feet in a bath with liner protection, nail and cuticle maintenance, de-rough feet, collagen mint gel
massage, hot towel then apply toxic-free nail polish.
Relax feet in a bath with liner protection, nail and cuticle maintenance, de-rough feet, salt massage, hot towel then apply shellac or gel nail polish.
Complimentary wine, mimosa at your choice.
Relax feet in a bath with liner protection, nail and cuticle maintenance, callus removal, sugar scrub exfoliation, paraffine mask, stone extra massage, hot towel then apply toxic-free nail polish
Relax feet in a bath with liner protection, cut and file nail, push back cuticle, massage, hot towel, then apply the toxic-free nail polish
Relax feet in a bath with liner protection, cut and file nails, push back cuticle, massage, hot towel then apply shellac or gel nail polish
Complimentary wine, beer or mimosa at your choice.
Relax feet in a bath with liner protection, nail and cuticle maintenance, callus removal, sugar scrub exfoliation, paraffine mask, massage then apply toxic-free nail polish